Value composite type
The basic Value composite type looks like this:
mutable struct Value{opType} <: Number
The <: Number
part means that Value
is a subtype of Number
. Don't worry about this for now, but we'll discuss it more later.
There are three fields: data
, grad
, and op
. We've seen two of these fields before, in the Usage section –
and Value.grad
, representing the number being stored in the Value and its gradient.
is something new that we'll be using behind the scenes as part of the gradient tracking. Basically, we'll use it to keep track of what operations and operands were used to create a Value object. To do this, we'll also need to define a new composite type of keep track of these operations. Here's what that looks like:
struct Operation{FuncType,ArgTypes}
will tell us the operation type (addition, multiplication, etc) and Operation.args
will point to the operands used in the operation, so that we can access them if we want to.
Next, we need a constructor so that we can initialize Values:
# constructor -- Value(data, grad, op)
Value(x::Number) = Value(Float64(x), 0.0, nothing)
Looks a bit complicated, I know, but let's break this down. We can initialize a Value object with Value(x)
where x
is some number. The Value(Float64(x), 0.0, nothing)
part means that when we initialze a Value with Value(x)
, this will set = Float64(x)
(casting x
to a Float64 if it's not already), Value.grad = 0.0
and Value.op = nothing
. The reason that the operation is set to "nothing" here is because we have initialized this Value ourselves rather than creating it as the result of an operation.
Next, a bit of code so that we can print out values and take a look at them.
import Base: show
function show(io::IO, value::Value)
print(io, "Value(",, ")")
This lets us print a Value and see the number that it's storing. The import Base: show
at the top means that we're using a base Julia function called "show" and definining what it will do when we pass a Value as an input. We'll be doing this a lot, for many different base functions. In the source code, we import all of these functions with one line at the top of the file.
One more quick formality:
import Base.==
function ==(a::Value, b::Value)
return a===b
The triple-equal-sign ===
checks if two variables are pointing to the same object in memory, so this code means that for two values a
and b
, the equality check a==b
will return true
only if they are pointing to the same Value object, and will return false
if they're pointing to two different objects (even if both store the same number, gradient, and operation history).
Ok, so that's our basic setup for Values. At this point, we should be able to run the following code:
x = Value(4.0)
# output: Value(4.0)
# output: 4.0
# output: 0.0
# output:
y = Value(4.0)
# output: false
z = x # z and x point to the same Value object
# output: true
Defining Value addition
Alright, so we have our basic building block, but now we want to be able to actually do some calculations with it.
Let's start with addition. Bear with me for a second, I'm gonna give you the full block of code and then we'll go through it bit by bit:
import Base.+
function +(a::Value, b::Value)
out = +
result = Value(out, 0.0, Operation(+, (a, b) )) # Value(data, grad, op)
return result
The import Base.+
means that we're importing the base addition function, and +(a::Value, b::Value)
means that we're defining what the +
operator will do when used on two Values, which we call a
and b
for the purpose of the function definition. Basically this will allow us to do x + y
where x
and y
are Values rather than regular numbers. Again, in the source code all these imports are in one line at the top.
out = +
is how we calculate the actual sum of the two input Values that will be stored in the output Value. Then we create a new Value with result = Value(out, 0.0, Operation(+, (a, b) ))
. Hopefully this part looks familiar, since we're using the same constructor syntax as before. This will set = out
and result.grad = 0.0
. The only new part here is that instead of setting result.op = nothing
, we're setting result.op = Operation(+, (a, b) )
to specify that this Value was created from an addition operation, and pointing to a
and b
as the operands, so that we can access them if we want to.
Alright, I know things are getting a little complicated, but setting things up like this will give us a lot of power to go backwards through operations. For example, using only the parts we've written so far you should be able to run this code:
# define two Values
x = Value(2.0)
y = Value(3.0)
# add them together to get a new Value
z = x + y
# output: Value(5.0)
# inspect the new Value to see what operation produced it
# output: + (generic function with 194 methods)
# access the Values that were used as operands
# output: (Value(2.0), Value(3.0))
Defining Value backpropagation
Alright, now let's try to implement backpropagation for the addition operation. Basically the goal here is to be able to calculate the derivative of the output with respect to each of the inputs in the operation.
Before we actually write the code for this, I'll first show you what we want the end result to look like:
# define two Values
x = Value(2.0)
y = Value(3.0)
# add them together to get a new Value
z = x + y
# calculate the derivative of z with respect to the inputs
# the gradient of x tells us the derivative of z with respect to x
# output: 1.0
# dz/dx = 1, meaning an increase of 1 in x will lead to an increase of 1 in z.
# we can also check y.grad if we want to
# output: 1.0
Alright so that's how the end result should look, but now we need to actually write the code to get there. To do this, we're going to define a function called backprop!()
that takes in a Value as an input, and then computes the gradients of the operands that were used to create the Value. This will be an internal function (not actually called by the user), but pretty soon we'll also define another function called backward()
which will perform the full backward pass, calling backprop!()
along the way.
One of the cool things about Julia is something called "multiple dispatch" – this means that you can define functions with the same name that do things differently based on the type of input that's passed in. If you recall, when we originally defined our Value object, we made it so that the object type contains information about the operation that was used to create it: Value{opType}
For example:
x = Value(2.0)
# output: Value{Nothing}
We'll begin with the backprop!()
function for this simple case, where the Value was not created by an operation, but rather defined by the user. In this case, we will just have the backprop!()
function do nothing:
backprop!(val::Value{Nothing}) = nothing
Now we'll do the harder case, where backprop!()
is applied to the result of an addition operation, to calculate the gradients of the operands. Let's look at the full code first, and then we'll discuss what each part is doing:
function backprop!(val::Value{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(+), ArgTypes}
val.op.args[1].grad += val.grad # update gradient of first operand
val.op.args[2].grad += val.grad # update gradient of second operand
I know, looks pretty confusing! Let's start with the function definition line: backprop!(val::Value{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(+), ArgTypes}
. This is just saying that we're definining what the `backprop!()
function will do when the input is a Value called val
that was created in an addition operation.
Then, the function updates two things: val.op.args[1].grad
and val.op.args[2].grad
. This is how we access the gradients of the operands that were used to create val
, so that we can update their gradients.
So how do we update the gradients? Well as we mentioned before, for a simple addition operation $z = x + y$ the derivatives of $z$ with respect to both variables are $\frac{dz}{dx} = 1$ and $\frac{dz}{dy} = 1$. This is because increasing either variable by some amount will cause $z$ to increase by the same amount.
But wait a minute... the code in our backprop!()
function looks way more complicated than that. We're not saying val.op.args[1].grad = 1
and val.op.args[2].grad = 1
(setting both gradients equal to 1). Instead we're saying val.op.args[1].grad += val.grad
and val.op.args[2].grad += val.grad
– incrementing the operand gradients by the current value of the input Value gradient. The reason we're doing this is because we need to think ahead a little bit. All this complication isn't necessary for our simple $z = x + y$ example, but we're trying to write this function in a general way so that it'll also work for more complicated examples in the futures.
Here's a more complicated example we want to be able to handle (although still using only addition):
x = Value(2.0)
y = Value(3.0)
z = x + y
w = z + x # using x a second time
# output: 2.0
# output: 1.0
# output: 1.0
This introduces two complications: it has two layers to the calulation, and $x$ is used twice. We use $z$ as an intermediate variable to store the result of $x+y$, but ultimately we're interested in $w = z + x$, and we want to find the derivatives $\frac{dw}{dx}$and $\frac{dw}{dy}$.
This example helps explain the rational for writing backprop!()
the way we did. We're calculating the gradients of the operands using the gradient of the input Value so that we can take advantage of the chain rule: we can calculate $\frac{dw}{dy} = \frac{dw}{dz}\frac{dz}{dy}$. This will involve two calls to backprop!()
. First, we'll call backprop!(w)
which will calculate the gradient of z
, and then we'll call backprop!(z)
, which will calculate the gradient of y
Getting the gradient of x
is a little more complicated. First, let's quicly prove to ourselves that $\frac{dw}{dx} = 2$. The full equation for $w$ is $w = z + x$. We know that $z = x + y$, so we can rewrite the equation for $w$ as $w = (x + y) + x$. Then, taking the derivative with respect to $x$ gives us $\frac{dw}{dx} = 2$. Since x
contributes to the value of w
twice, increasing x
by some amount will increase w
by twice that amount.
This is the rationale for why our backprop!()
function increments the gradients its updating, rather than just setting them to some number. This lets us account for situations where the same Value contributes more than once to the final sum. In our example, x.grad
will be updated twice by the backprop!()
function – once during the backprop!(w)
call and once during the backprop!(z)
call. Both of these updates will increase x.grad
by 1, leaving us with our final answer of $\frac{dw}{dx} = 2$.
Still with me? Alright, last part. We said before that backprop!()
is an internal function that won't actually be called by the user. Rather, the user will call a wrapper function backward()
on the final sum Value, and that function will do the full backward pass by calling backprop!()
as many times as required to calculate the derivatives for all of the input Values. So now we need to write the backward()
First let's take a look at the full code, and then we'll discuss what each part is doing:
function backward(a::Value)
function build_topo(v::Value, visited=Value[], topo=Value[])
if !(v in visited)
push!(visited, v)
if v.op != nothing
for operand in v.op.args
if operand isa Value
build_topo(operand, visited, topo)
push!(topo, v)
return topo
topo = build_topo(a)
a.grad = 1.0
for node in reverse(topo)
When we call backward(a)
(where a
is the final result of some operations between Values) we want two things to happen. First, we want to fill up an array with a
itself, and all of the other Values that were used to create a
, sorted in topological order so that a Value comes after all of the dependencies used to calculate that Value – meaning that a
should be the last element in the array since everything else is a dependency of a
We can build this array with a recursive depth-first search. This is what the nested function build_topo()
is doing. build_topo()
returns the topologically sorted array of all the Values, with a
at the end. Then we set a.grad = 1
, since the derivative of a variable with respect to itself is 1. Finally, we iterate backwards through the list of Values and call backprop!()
on each one to update the gradients of its operands.
That's it! We're done! With the code we've written up to this point, we can do as many addition operations between Values as we want, then do a backward pass on the final sum to calculate its derivative with respect to all the inputs that went into it. We did it!
Now some of you are probably thinking Wait a minute, we're not done! All we have is an addition operation for Values, and we haven't even started with Tensors yet! Ok, yeah, that's true. I guess what I mean is we're done with the difficult part – the Value object structure, the logic of operation-tracking, and gradient-updating through backpropagation. Now that we're done with all that, adding more Value operations is easy. All we need to know is what the operation does, and how to calculate the derivative for it. Then we can use almost the exact same code we've already written, with only those parts changed. When we finally get to Tensors, the code will be almost exactly the same, except the operations and derivative calculations will be for matrix/vector form.
Adding some robustness
Ok, time for a short digression. Let's take another look at our Value definition:
mutable struct Value{opType} <: Number
As we mentioned before, the <: Number
part means that Value
is a subtype of Number
. This subtyping isn't strictly necessary (and in fact an earlier version of this package didn't have it), but it will make it easy for us to add some robustness to Values.
For example, with our code so far, we can only do addition operations between Values. This is a good start, but ideally we'd also be able to do operations between Values and regular numbers, and have the output of those operations be a Value. Luckily, we can implement this with one line of code:
Base.promote_rule(::Type{<:Value}, ::Type{T}) where {T<:Number} = Value
This line defines a promotion rule, which specifies that for operations involving a Value and a Number, the Number should be converted to a Value for the purposes of the operation, and the result should be a Value. Now we should be able to run the following code without a problem:
test = Value(2.0) + Value(3.0) # Value + Value
# output: Value(5.0)
test = Value(2.0) + 3.0 # Value + Number
# output: Value(5.0)
test = 2.0 + Value(3.0) # Number + Value
# output: Value(5.0)
More Value operations
Alright, so let's add some more Value operations. We'll start with multiplication. Here's the code, for both the operation and the backward pass:
import Base.*
function *(a::Value, b::Value)
out = *
result = Value(out, 0.0, Operation(*, (a, b) )) # Value(data, grad, op)
return result
# backprop for multiplication operation
function backprop!(val::Value{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(*), ArgTypes}
val.op.args[1].grad += val.op.args[2].data * val.grad
val.op.args[2].grad += val.op.args[1].data * val.grad
That's it! Told you it was easy! The *(a::Value, b::Value)
function is almost exactly the same as the addition function we wrote before, except that we're setting out = *
and recording the operation as Operation(*, (a, b) )
The backprop!()
function is also very similar to the one we wrote for addition, with just a couple small changes. First of all, we're now using where {FunType<:typeof(*), ArgTypes}
in the funciton definition to specify that this is the version of backprop!()
to use when the input variable was created with a multiplication operation (again, the cool thing about multiple dispatch is that we can define several versions of a function with different input types).
The second minor difference is that we need to change the way the derivates are calculated, since we're dealing with multiplication rather than addition. For a multiplicaiton operation $z = xy$ the derivatives of $z$ with respect to $x$ and $y$ are $\frac{dz}{dx} = y$and $\frac{dz}{dy} = x$. The two lines inside backprop!()
are just saying this in code – the gradient of each operand is incremented by the value of the other operand multiplied by the val.grad
(the result of the operation) to allow for the chain rule.
With the code we've written so far, we can do things like this:
x = Value(2.0)
m = Value(4.0)
b = Value(7.0)
y = m*x + b
# output: 2.0
# output: 4.0
# output: 1.0
By the way, Julia will still take care of the order of operations for us here, so we could have written y = b + m * x
and gotten the same answer.
A lot of the operations will be like the multiplication case, where we'll need to write a new backprop!()
operation. However, sometimes we can find a clever way to do things that avoids this. For example, this is how we'll implement Value subtraction:
import Base.-
# negation
function -(a::Value)
return a * -1
# subtraction
function -(a::Value, b::Value)
return a + (-b)
The first function -(a::Value)
allows us to negate Values with a minus sign. This can be done by multiplying the Value by $-1$, an operation we can already do with our *(a::Value, b::Number)
function. The second function -(a::Value, b::Value)
allows us to do subtraction with Values by negating the second Value and then adding them together.
Pretty clever, right? This way we don't need to write a new backprop!()
function for subtraction, because we've turned the subtraction operation into a combination of multiplication and addition.
Anyway, from here it's just a matter of adding more operations so that we can do more calculations with our Values. There are the operations currently supported:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Exponents
- e^x
- log()
- tanh()
If you've understood everything up to this point, you should be able to read all the source code for the Values and make sense of it. If there are any operations you'd like to see added, either let me know and I'll try to add them, or you can also write them yourself and submit a pull request!
Tensor composite type
Tensors work almost exactly the same way as Values, except with a little bit of extra complications that come with dealing with vectors and matrices. But the fundamentals are basically the same. We'll track operations with our Operation objects, override several base Julia functions to work for Tensor operations, and implement the backward pass with an internal backprop!()
function and a user-facing backward()
The Operation object structure is the same as before:
struct Operation{FuncType,ArgTypes}
And here's our definition of the Tensor object structure:
mutable struct Tensor{opType} <: AbstractArray{Float64, 2}
data::Array{Float64, 2}
grad::Array{Float64, 2}
As you can see, it's very similary to the Value object, except that the
and Tensor.grad
fields are arrays rather than numbers. Note also that just as Value
is a subtype of Number
, Tensor
is a subtype of AbstractArray{Float64, 2}
, a 2-dimensional array of type Float64
We're going to have two different contstructors for our Tensor type - one to create a Tensor from a 2D array, and another to create a Tensor from a 1D array. Here's the 2D constructor:
Here's the Tensor constructor:
Tensor(x::Array{Float64,2}) = Tensor(x, zeros(Float64, size(x)), nothing)
Again, same basic idea as the Value constructor, except that we're dealing with arrays instead of numbers. Note that the constructor requires a Float64
array as input and won't accept other number types. Maybe I'll change that later to make it more robust.
Besides the 2D constructor, we also want the option to pass a 1D array and have it create either a row vector or column vector Tensor. For example, we want to be able to write this code, where we pass in a 1D array with shape (3,) and get a row vector Tensor with shape (1,3):
x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
# output: (3,)
x = Tensor(x)
# output: (1,3)
Here's the 1D constructor that will let us do that:
function Tensor(x::Array{Float64, 1}; column_vector::Bool=false)
if column_vector
# column vector - size (N,1)
data_2D = reshape(x, (length(x), 1))
# DEFAULT row vector - size (1,N)
data_2D = reshape(x, (1,length(x)))
Tensor(data_2D, zeros(Float64, size(data_2D)), nothing) # Tensor(data, grad, op)
Pretty simple, we just take in the 1D array and reshape it to a row vector with reshape(x, (1,length(x)))
by default, or to a column vector with reshape(x, (length(x), 1))
if the user sets column_vector::Bool=true
Just a couple more quick things, which are also similar to our Value setup. The following code lets us print out Tensors, sets the backprop!()
function to be nothing
in cases where a Tensor was defined by the user rather than being created in an operation, and specifies that the equality check ==
will return true
only if the two variables actually reference the same Tensor object:
function show(io::IO, tensor::Tensor)
print(io, "Tensor(",, ")")
backprop!(tensor::Tensor{Nothing}) = nothing
import Base.==
function ==(a::Tensor, b::Tensor)
return a===b
So that covers the necessary parts. Now we can also add a couple more things just for convenience. Here's a line of code that will allow us to call size(Tensor)
to get the shape of the
field (which should be the same as the Tensor.grad
Base.size(x::Tensor) = size(
Here's a line of code that allows use to use standard array index notation to access elements of
Base.getindex(x::Tensor, i...) = getindex(, i...)
So for example, if we have a Tensor called a
, we can access elements of
by writing a[i,j]
instead of having to write[i,j]
Here's a similar line that allows us to set elements using standard array index notation:
Base.setindex!(x::Tensor, v, i...) = setindex!(, v, i...)
So if we want to set an element of a
to 7
, for example, we can just write a[i,j] = 7
, rather than having to write[i,j] = 7
. So with those three lines added, we should now be able to run the following code:
x = Tensor([1.0 2.0; 3.0 4.0])
# output: (2,2)
x[2,2] = 5.0
# output: 5.0
Ok, now let's try defining a Tensor operation. When we were learning about how Values work we started with addition because that seemed like the easiest. But for Tensors, addition will actually be a little tough because of some shape-broadcasting we'll need to do. So we'll start with matrix multiplication, since that will be easier. Here's the code:
import Base.*
function *(a::Tensor, b::Tensor)
out = *
result = Tensor(out, zeros(Float64, size(out)), Operation(*, (a, b))) # Tensor(data, grad, op)
return result
Very similar to what we were doing with Values, except that this time it's matrix multiplication. But same idea. We do the matrix multiplication with out = *
. Then we store the resulting matrix out
along with an emptry gradient size(out))
in a new Tensor called result
, and record the operation as Operation(*, (a, b))
And here's the backprop!()
function backprop!(tensor::Tensor{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(*), ArgTypes}
tensor.op.args[1].grad += tensor.grad * transpose(tensor.op.args[2].data)
tensor.op.args[2].grad += transpose(tensor.op.args[1].data) * tensor.grad
Again, basically the same idea as with the Value backprop!()
functions. The only difficult part is that now everything has to be done for matrices, which makes the actual calculations more complicated and less intuitive. If you want, you can always work out a simple example on paper to prove to yourself that the gradient updates in this backprop!()
function are actually correct.
Finally, here's the code for the full backward pass:
function backward(a::Tensor)
function build_topo(v::Tensor, visited=Tensor[], topo=Tensor[])
if !(v in visited)
push!(visited, v)
if v.op != nothing
for operand in v.op.args
if operand isa Tensor
build_topo(operand, visited, topo)
push!(topo, v)
return topo
topo = build_topo(a)
a.grad .= 1.0
for node in reverse(topo)
Again, almost exactly the same as for the Values.
More Tensor operations
For the sake of completeness, I'm going to give you the code for all of the Tensor operations needed to write a basic neural network. For now, working through the details to understand them will be left as an exercise for the reader, although I'll probably try to come back to this section to write a more complete description when I have some more free time.
Here's addition:
import Base.+
function +(a::Tensor, b::Tensor)
# broadcasting happens automatically for row-vector
out = .+
result = Tensor(out, zeros(Float64, size(out)), Operation(+, (a, b))) # Tensor(data, grad, op)
return result
function backprop!(tensor::Tensor{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(+), ArgTypes}
if size(tensor.grad) == size(tensor.op.args[1].data)
tensor.op.args[1].grad += ones(size(tensor.op.args[1].data)) .* tensor.grad
# reverse broadcast
tensor.op.args[1].grad += ones(size(tensor.op.args[1].grad)) .* sum(tensor.grad,dims=1)
if size(tensor.grad) == size(tensor.op.args[2].data)
tensor.op.args[2].grad += ones(size(tensor.op.args[2].data)) .* tensor.grad
# reverse broadcast
tensor.op.args[2].grad += ones(size(tensor.op.args[2].grad)) .* sum(tensor.grad,dims=1)
Hint about this one: the complicated parts are related to broadcasting so that we can add add a row vector to a matrix and have it automatically be added to every row (like adding biases in a neural net).
Here's the ReLU activation function:
function relu(a::Tensor)
out = max.(,0)
result = Tensor(out, zeros(Float64, size(out)), Operation(relu, (a,))) # Tensor(data, grad, op)
return result
function backprop!(tensor::Tensor{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(relu), ArgTypes}
tensor.op.args[1].grad += (tensor.op.args[1].data .> 0) .* tensor.grad
Here's the combined softmax activation and cross entropy loss:
function softmax_crossentropy(a::Tensor,y_true::Union{Array{Int,2},Array{Float64,2}}; grad::Bool=true)
## implementing softmax activation and cross entropy loss separately leads to very complicated gradients
## but combining them makes the gradient a lot easier to deal with
## credit to Sendex and his textbook for teaching me this part
## great textbook for doing this stuff in Python, you can get it here:
# softmax activation
exp_values = exp.( .- maximum(, dims=2))
probs = exp_values ./ sum(exp_values, dims=2)
probs_clipped = clamp.(probs, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)
# deal with 0s and 1s
# basically just returns an array with the probability of the correct answer for each batch
correct_confidences = sum(probs_clipped .* y_true, dims=2)
# negative log likelihood
sample_losses = -log.(correct_confidences)
# loss mean
out = [sum(sample_losses) / length(sample_losses)]
if grad
# it's easier to do the grad calculation here because doing it seperately will involve redoing a lot of calculations
samples = size(probs, 1)
# convert from one-hot to index list
y_true_argmax = argmax(y_true, dims=2)
a.grad = copy(probs)
for samp_ind in 1:samples
a.grad[samp_ind, y_true_argmax[samp_ind][2]] -= 1
## this syntax y_true_argmax[i][2] is just to get the column index of the true value
a.grad ./= samples
# reshape out from (1,) to (1,1)
out = reshape(out, (1, 1))
result = Tensor(out, zeros(Float64, size(out)), Operation(softmax_crossentropy, (a,))) # Tensor(data, grad, op)
return result
# softmax_crossentropy backprop is empty because gradient is easier to calculate during forward pass
function backprop!(tensor::Tensor{Operation{FunType, ArgTypes}}) where {FunType<:typeof(softmax_crossentropy), ArgTypes}
Note: this is the most complicated one by far, and is also the odd-one-out in that the gradient is actually calculated during the forward pass (unless told not to), which the backprop!()
function just does nothing.
So yeah, sorry to leave you guys with a complicated one here. I'll probably come back later and try to write a more thorough description of this one when I have some more free time in the future.