MNIST Example

In this section, we'll use Tensors for a real neural net example – solving the MNIST image classification problem. The idea in this problem is to use a neural net to "read" images of hand-drawn numbers, from 0-9, and correctly identify which number each one is.

However, we're gonna gonna be a bit lazy and work with pre-processed data in CSV format, rather than actually reading in the images ourselves. You can download the MNIST data in CSV format here.

First, we'll read in the training data. We want to store the features (pixel values from the images) in an array called X, and store the labels (the correct answers for which number each one is) in an array called y. Lastly, we scale the features by diving them by 255, to get them between 0 and 1. Here's the code:

X = []
y = []
global first_row = true
open("mnist_data/mnist_train.csv", "r") do file
    for line in eachline(file)

        if first_row  # skip the first row
            global first_row = false

        # split the line by comma and strip whitespace
        row = parse.(Float64, strip.(split(line, ',')))

        push!(y, row[1])
        push!(X, row[2:length(row)])

X= hcat(X...)'
X = X / 255.0

Next, we do the same thing for the testing data, except we save the features and labels in arrays called X_test and y_test. Here's the code:

X_test = []
y_test = []
global first_row = true
open("mnist_data/mnist_test.csv", "r") do file
    for line in eachline(file)

        if first_row  # skip the first row
            global first_row = false

        # split the line by comma and strip whitespace
        row = parse.(Float64, strip.(split(line, ',')))

        push!(y_test, row[1])
        push!(X_test, row[2:length(row)])

X_test = hcat(X_test...)'
X_test = X_test / 255.0

Next, we define the model. We want our model to take in 784 inputs per sample (the size of the flattened 28x28 pixel images). Our inner layer will have 128 neurons, and our final layer will have 10 neurons (corresponding to the 10 possible digits that the image could be). So, we'll need to make sure we shape our Tensors accordingly. Here's the code:

using SimpleGrad
using Random
# seeding the random number generator for reproducibility

weights1 = Tensor(0.01 * rand(784, 128))
weights2 = Tensor(0.01 * rand(128, 10))

biases1 = Tensor(zeros(128))
biases2 = Tensor(zeros(10))

batch_size = 100
num_classes = 10  # total number of classes
lr = 0.1
epochs = 2

Now, we train the model:

global run = 1
for epoch in 1:epochs

    for i in 1:batch_size:size(X,1)

        ## get current batch
        batch_X = X[i:i+batch_size-1, :]
        batch_X = Tensor(batch_X)
        batch_y = y[i:i+batch_size-1]

        ## convert batch_y to one-hot
        batch_y_one_hot = zeros(batch_size,num_classes)
        for batch_ind in 1:batch_size
            batch_y_one_hot[batch_ind,Int.(batch_y)[batch_ind]+1] = 1

        ## zero grads
        weights1.grad .= 0
        weights2.grad .= 0
        biases1.grad .= 0
        biases2.grad .= 0

        ## forward pass
        layer1_out = relu(batch_X * weights1 + biases1)
        layer2_out = layer1_out * weights2 + biases2
        loss = softmax_crossentropy(layer2_out,batch_y_one_hot)

        ## backward pass

        ## update params -= weights1.grad .* lr -= weights2.grad .* lr -= biases1.grad .* lr -= biases2.grad .* lr

        if run % 100 == 0
            println("Epoch: $epoch, run: $run, loss: $(round([1], digits=3))")
        global run += 1


# output:
# Epoch: 1, run: 100, loss: 1.145
# Epoch: 1, run: 200, loss: 0.55
# Epoch: 1, run: 300, loss: 0.677
# Epoch: 1, run: 400, loss: 0.491
# Epoch: 1, run: 500, loss: 0.331
# Epoch: 1, run: 600, loss: 0.388
# Epoch: 2, run: 700, loss: 0.225
# Epoch: 2, run: 800, loss: 0.299
# Epoch: 2, run: 900, loss: 0.502
# Epoch: 2, run: 1000, loss: 0.355
# Epoch: 2, run: 1100, loss: 0.248
# Epoch: 2, run: 1200, loss: 0.337

Finally, we check out performance on the testing set:

global correct = 0
global total = 0
for i in 1:length(y_test)
    X_in = X_test[i:i,:] ## need to keep this (1,784), not (784,)
    X_in = Tensor(X_in)
    y_true = y_test[i]

    layer1_out = relu(X_in * weights1 + biases1)
    layer2_out = layer1_out * weights2 + biases2

    pred_argmax = argmax(, dims=2)[1][2]

    if pred_argmax-1 == y_true
        global correct +=1
    global total += 1


# output: 0.9187

91.87% accuracy on the testing set. Not bad!